Temperature monitoring made easy!

VLITEX Temperature Tracker

VLITEX Temperature Tracker

The VLITEX Temperature Tracker helps to detect fires at an early stage. Because before a fire breaks out, the temperature in the battery increases. Time enough to initiate safety measures. Provided that the temperature rise is noticed quickly.

Battery fires usually announce themselves: The temperature rises. From approx. 70 °C, a reaction occurs which is difficult to stop. Smoke is produced, the battery burns and the cells threaten to explode.

If the temperature rises above the critical value, there is usually still enough time for securing measures – so that neither people nor the environment are harmed. Therefore: Monitor temperature with the VLITEX Sensor Heat.

What the VLITEX Temperature Tracker can do

  • wireless remote temperature monitoring

  • weatherproof housing – IP67

  • Unlimited range

  • temperature measuring range -40 to +125 °C

  • Easy replacement of the battery

  • Connection via mobile network – no additional receiving devices required

  • Easy attachment of the tracker using a magnet

  • Preset; ready for use within a few seconds

Transport with safety

Towing services rely on smart sensors

Abschleppdienst mit Anhänger und verunfalltem Auto eingepackt in das VLITEX Car Service Set

“We always transport a crashed electric car with a queasy feeling. Because we know that after days the battery can still ignite – just like that. There is also a risk of fire in the average yard. Therefore, large safety distances to surrounding objects must be maintained. Sometimes not so easy to realize. It’s good that there are now solutions for that.”

Marco W., towing contractor

  • Place VLITEX Temperature Tracker in the vehicle

  • Vehicle with
    VLITEX Car Service Set

  • Temperatures above the critical limit trigger alarm

  • Further measures can be taken, e.g. alert fire department, move vehicle to a safe distance from persons and objects

The VLITEX Temperature Tracker measures both the ambient temperature and the surface temperature. If there is either a rapid rise in temperature or the measured temperature exceeds the set threshold value, the tracker reacts and sends a notification. The tracker thus makes a significant contribution to increasing safety during the transportation and storage of an electrically powered vehicle involved in an accident. Because only if the fire is discovered at an early stage can greater damage and the spread to other properties be prevented.

All data is recorded and can be easily exported, which makes documentation for insurance companies much easier.